No sign, yet, of the wet season here. These Green-eyed Tree-frogs are patiently waiting for rain.
I am surprised that the female is tolerating the male. They’ve been hanging out like this on top of the cabin’s window sill for the last few days!
Our creek has almost dried up, so the bird baths are in high demand.
Here are a few of the visitors:
Scaly-breasted Lorikeets.
Many are here now that the Red Mahoganies (Eucalyptus resinifera) are flowering.
Rainbow and Little Lorikeets are part of that flock, too, and in the evenings Little Red Flying Foxes take over the canopy..

Treecreepers always walk into the water backwards!

High above the bird bath, a young male Victoria’s Riflebird is trying to attract attention:
Adult male:
If you thought a male Victoria’s Riflebird is a black bird with a few patches of metallic blue, have a closer look at the ‘black’ parts:
Just about all the smaller birds are breeding now, with many hungry mouths waiting to be fed:

A young Tooth-billed Bowerbird came to the birdfeeder:
What a wonderful forest, where you can see Tooth-billed Bowerbirds (a rainforest species) together with Little Lorikeets (a species of open woodlands)!